The fact that dark_nexus is built on the foundations of Mirai and Qbot is proof of the evolving tactics of botnet operators and inexperienced hackers alike, allowing them to add new functionality by exploiting a variety of vulnerabilities in poorly secured IoT devices and amass modern botnet armies.
Analysis of 1,300 Phishing Campaigns Shows Significant Sector Differences
…however once a user had been fooled into clicking the link, half were likely to enter credentials regardless of what sector they worked in.
Middle East Industry Falls Prey To New Targeted Malware Campaign
“According to our telemetry, the Milum Trojan was exclusively used to attack targets in the Middle East from at least the end of May 2019.”
Money Mule Crooks Thrive During COVID-19 Pandemic
…cybercrooks are almost certain to have more than their usual share of recruitable “money mules” — people who get roped into money laundering schemes under the pretense of a work-at-home job offer.
COVID-19 Ongoing Cyber Threat Campaigns
Exploiting the headline-dominating crisis, individuals, organizations and governments alike are tricked into opening malicious payloads, visiting malicious websites and are subject to misinformation or fraud.
Coronavirus Bait Sites: Latest Opportunistic Cyber Activity
…hackers are exploiting the COVID-19 outbreak to spread their own infections, including registering malicious Coronavirus-related domains and selling discounted off-the-shelf malware in the dark web.